Amy Castor

creating journalism and analysis

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  • 289 posts
  • $706.6/month

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$5 per month shows you understand the importance of hacking through the crypto gobbledygook. If you like my work enough to buy me a cup of coffee every month, this is the tier for you!
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$20 per month means you are fed up with the bothsidesism crypto reporting often seen in mainstream media. At this level, you get early access to stories and transcripts of some of the interviews I conduct as part of my research.
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At this level, you are serious about supporting independent crypto journalism. $50 per month gets you everything at the subscriber level and an even greater sense of being correct and informed. You also get to DM me with blockchain questions, and I respond!
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$100 per month gets you all the benefits of being a co-conspirator but this is perfect for your analyst newsletter budget. (The $20 and $50 tiers get the same stuff, but this is a bigger number, so more suited to corporate needs.)

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Amy Castor

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